View-Call Authentication
User impersonation on Ethereum and other "transparent EVMs" isn't a problem
because everybody can see all data. However, the Sapphire confidential
EVM prevents contracts from revealing confidential information to the wrong
party (account or contract)—for this reason we cannot allow arbitrary
impersonation of any msg.sender
In Sapphire, you need to consider the following types of contract calls:
Contract to contract calls (also known as internal calls)
is set to the address corresponding to the caller function. If a contract calls another contract in a way which could reveal sensitive information, the calling contract must implement access control or authentication. -
Unauthenticted view calls (queries using
queries used to invoke contract functions will always have themsg.sender
parameter set toaddress(0x0)
on Sapphire. This is regardless of anyfrom
overrides passed on the client side for simulating the query.noteCalldata end-to-end encryption has nothing to do with authentication. Although the calls may be unauthenticated they can still be encrypted, and the other way around!
Authenticated view calls (via SIWE token)
Developer authenticates the view call explicitly by deriving a message sender from the SIWE token. This token is provided as a separate parameter to the contract function. The derived address can then be used for authentication in place of
. Otherwise, such view call behaves the same way as the unauthenticated view calls above and built-inmsg.sender
. This approach is most appropriate for frontend dApps. -
Authenticated view calls (via signed queries)
EIP-712 defines a format for signing view calls with the keypair of your Ethereum account. Sapphire will validate such signatures and automatically set the
parameter in your contract to the address of the signing account. This method is most appropriate for backend services because frontend applications would require user interaction each time. -
Transactions (authenticated by signature)
When a transaction is submitted it is signed by a keypair (thus costs gas and can make state updates) and the
will be set to the address of the signing account.
How Sapphire Executes Contract Calls
Let's see how Sapphire executes contract calls for each call variant presented above. Consider the following Solidity code:
contract Example {
address _owner;
constructor () {
_owner = msg.sender;
function isOwner() public view returns (bool) {
return msg.sender == _owner;
In the sample above, assuming we're calling from the same contract or account
which created the contract, calling isOwner
will return:
, if called via the contract which created itfalse
, for unauthenticatedeth_call
, since the contract has no SIWE implementationtrue
, for signed view call using the wrapped client (Go, Python) with signer attachedtrue
, if called via transaction
Now that we've covered basics, let's look more closely at the authenticated view calls. These are crucial for building confidential smart contracts on Sapphire.
Authenticated view calls
Consider this slightly extended version of the contract above. Only the owner is allowed to store and retrieve secret message:
contract MessageBox {
address private _owner;
string private _message;
modifier onlyOwner() {
if (msg.sender != _owner) {
revert("not allowed");
constructor() {
_owner = msg.sender;
function getSecretMessage() external view onlyOwner returns (string memory) {
return _message;
function setSecretMessage(string calldata message) external onlyOwner {
_message = message;
via SIWE token
SIWE stands for "Sign-In with Ethereum" and is formally defined in EIP-4361. The initial use case for SIWE involved using your Ethereum account as a form of authentication for off-chain services (providing an alternative to user names and passwords). The MetaMask wallet quickly adopted the standard and it became a de-facto login mechanism in the Web3 world. An informative pop-up for logging into a SIWE-enabled website looks like this:
After a user agrees by signing the SIWE login message above, the signature is verified by the website backend or by a 3rd party single sign-on service. This is done only once per session—during login. A successful login generates a token that is used for the remainder of the session.
In contrast to transparent EVM chains, Sapphire simplifies dApp design, improves trust, and increases the usability of SIWE messages through extending message parsing and verification to on-chain computation. This feature (unique to Sapphire) removes the need to develop and maintain separate dApp backend services just for SIWE authentication. Let's take a look at an example authentication flow:
Consider the MessageBox
contract from above, and
let's extend it with SiweAuth:
import {SiweAuth} from "@oasisprotocol/sapphire-contracts/contracts/auth/SiweAuth.sol";
contract MessageBox is SiweAuth {
address private _owner;
string private _message;
modifier onlyOwner(bytes memory token) {
if (msg.sender != _owner && authMsgSender(token) != _owner) {
revert("not allowed");
constructor(string memory domain) SiweAuth(domain) {
_owner = msg.sender;
function getSecretMessage(bytes memory token) external view onlyOwner(token) returns (string memory) {
return _message;
function setSecretMessage(string calldata message) external onlyOwner(bytes("")) {
_message = message;
We made the following changes:
- In the constructor, we need to define the domain name where the dApp frontend will be deployed. This domain is included inside the SIWE log-in message and is verified by the user-facing wallet to make sure they are accessing the contract from a legitimate domain.
- The
modifier is extended with an optionalbytes memory token
parameter and is considered in the case of invalidmsg.sender
value. The same modifier is used for authenticating both SIWE queries and the transactions. getSecretMessage
was extended with thebytes memory token
session token.
On the client side, the code running inside a browser needs to make sure that the session token for making authenticated calls is valid. If not, the browser requests a wallet to sign a log-in message and fetch a fresh session token.
import {SiweMessage} from 'siwe';
import { ethers } from 'hardhat'
let token = '';
async function getSecretMessage(): Promise<Message> {
const messageBox = await ethers.getContractAt('MessageBox', '0x5FbDB2315678afecb367f032d93F642f64180aa3');
if (token == '') { // Stored in browser session.
const domain = await messageBox.domain();
const siweMsg = new SiweMessage({
address: addr, // User's selected account address.
uri: `http://${domain}`,
version: "1",
chainId: 0x5afe, // Sapphire Testnet
const sig = ethers.Signature.from((await window.ethereum.getSigner(addr)).signMessage(siweMsg));
token = await messageBox.login(siweMsg, sig);
return messageBox.getSecretMessage(token);
To see a running example of the TypeScript SIWE code including the Hardhat tests, Node.js and the browser, check out the official Oasis demo-starter project. The SIWE authentication is implemented inside the Hardhat tests.
While the Sapphire TypeScript wrapper offers a convenient end-to-end encryption for the contract calls, it is not mandatory for SIWE, if you trust your Web3 endpoint.
via signed queries
EIP-712 proposed a method to show data to the user in a structured fashion so they can verify it before signing. In the browser however, apps requiring signed view calls would trigger user interaction with their wallet each time—sometimes even multiple times per page—which is bad UX that frustrates users. Backend services on the other hand often have direct access to an Ethereum wallet (e.g. a secret key stored in the environment variable) without needing user interaction. This is possible because a backend service connects to a trusted site and executes trusted code, so it's fine to sign the necessary view calls non interactively.
The Sapphire wrappers for Go and Python will sign any view
call you make to a contract deployed on Sapphire using the aforementioned
EIP-712. Suppose we want to store the private key of an account used to sign
the view calls inside a PRIVATE_KEY
environment variable. The following
snippets demonstrate how to trigger signed queries without any changes to the
original MessageBox
contract from above.
- Go
- Python
Wrap the existing Ethereum client by calling the
helper and provide the signing logic. Then,
all subsequent view calls will be signed. For example:
import (
sapphire ""
messageBox "demo-starter/contracts/message-box"
func GetC10lMessage() (string, error) {
client, err = ethclient.Dial("")
if err != nil {
return "", err
sk, err = crypto.HexToECDSA(os.Getenv("PRIVATE_KEY"))
addr := crypto.PubkeyToAddress(*sk.Public().(*ecdsa.PublicKey))
wrappedClient, err := sapphire.WrapClient(c.Client, func(digest [32]byte) ([]byte, error) {
return crypto.Sign(digest[:], sk)
if err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("unable to wrap backend: %v", err)
mb, err := messageBox.NewMessageBox(common.HexToAddress("0x5FbDB2315678afecb367f032d93F642f64180aa3"), wrappedClient)
if err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("Unable to get instance of contract: %v", err)
msg, err := mb.GetSecretMessage(&bind.CallOpts{From: addr}) // Don't forget to pass callOpts!
if err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("failed to retrieve message: %v", err)
return msg, nil
To see a running example of the Go code including the end-to-end encryption and signed queries check out the official Oasis starter project for Go.
Wrap the existing Web3 client by calling the
helper and provide the signing logic. Then,
all subsequent view calls will be signed. For example:
from web3 import Web3
from web3.middleware import construct_sign_and_send_raw_middleware
from eth_account.signers.local import LocalAccount
from eth_account import Account
from sapphirepy import sapphire
def get_c10l_message(address: str, network_name: Optional[str] = "sapphire-localnet") -> str:
w3 = Web3(Web3.HTTPProvider(sapphire.NETWORKS[network_name]))
account: LocalAccount = Account.from_key(os.environ.get("PRIVATE_KEY"))
w3 = sapphire.wrap(w3, account)
compiled_contract = json.load("MessageBox_compiled.json")
contract_data = compiled_contract["contracts"]["MessageBox.sol"]["MessageBox"]
message_box = w3.eth.contract(address=address, abi=contract_data["abi"])
return message_box.functions.message().call()
To see a running example of the Python code including the end-to-end encryption and signed queries, check out the official Oasis starter project for Python.
If your smart contract needs to support view calls from both the frontend and the backend, then take the SIWE approach. The backend implementation then depends on your programming language:
- Go and Python: Pass an empty string as a
parameter to your smart contract and let the wrapper sign the view call using EIP-712. Sincemsg.sender
will be defined, theisOwner
modifier will pass just fine. - TypeScript: Recycle the frontend client-side code from above to generate the SIWE message, perform the authentication and pass it in the view call.